365 Days of Hawaii - Our Hawaii Diary (Days 181-240)

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You can read about the start of our Hawaii life here:

365 DAYS OF HAWAII (DAYS 1 - 60)

365 DAYS OF HAWAII (DAYS 61 - 120)

365 DAYS OF HAWAII (DAYS 121 - 180)



Day 181

Our first day back from the Big Island of Hawaii was spent unpacking all of our bags and catching up on everyday things. When I walked out to the backyard, I noticed that our bird feeder was empty and went to refill it. Soon after I heard loud screeching and lots of commotion. As I glanced back, I saw that our old friends - rose-ringed parakeets - had returned! Since I put the feeder out several weeks ago, I was hoping to see them but they never came. It looks like they have finally discovered the free seeds offered to them and flocked to eat as soon as I left the area. So, I sat patiently on the balcony (without moving) and watched them eat and snapped about 300 photos! Yikes! But they are so pretty and fun to watch! 


DAY 182

Coconuts, anyone? Tourists want coconuts and locals have plenty of them growing in their backyards, so why not make everyone happy and earn a little cash on the side?! It's a win-win. 


DAY 183

While watching a local TV station a couple nights ago, I noticed a news report about a sunflower field at Waimanalo Country Farms right here on Oahu which was open to public for viewing and photos. It looked to be very pretty, so the boys and I made a trip to see it. The scenery and atmosphere were truly amazing - we took a ton of photos, bought sunflowers to bring home, drank some fresh mango and pineapple lemonade, and enjoyed our walk in between all the beautiful flowers. I guess it pays off to watch news every once in a while...


DAY 184

Oh my, oh my! Looks like the boys have found 2 new local friends! These were some super friendly turkeys and we enjoyed their company! 


DAY 185

With just barely 2 weeks left until Christmas, I decided it was finally time to get a Christmas tree. We always get a fresh tree and stuck to the tradition this year as well. Helemano Farms sell thousands of Christmas trees on Oahu every year, so that is where we headed. We were offered either an already pre-cut tree or we could go and walk the grove and choose and cut our own. Yes, we're up for the challenge! It was a tough choice and lots of decision making... and changing our minds... but we eventually found our perfect Hawaiian Christmas tree!


DAY 186

Now, how about a little swim in this amazingly turquoise water? Hawaii is a picture-perfect postcard in itself anywhere we turn! I caught this photo as we were driving past Makapu'u Lookout and I decided to make a quick stop. The sun was shining brightly revealing the ocean colors in all their glory. However, as stunning as it might be, many of Hawaii beaches have their hidden dangers (especially in winter months) - rip currents, crashing waves, sharp corals or even sharks.  


DAY 187

As we got up in the morning, we decided to attempt Aiea Loop Trail. I wasn't sure if the boys would be up for this almost 5-mile long hike (1250ft elevation gain) but they were real troopers and hiked it like it was nothing! They even went out to ride their bikes in the yard after we got home. What could possibly tire them out if even a 5-mile trail doesn't?! As for the trail, it was really beautiful and had stunning views. This is H3 viewed from up above, weaving its way through the mountains. I am sure we will do this trail again in the future.


DAY 188

While having some business to do in Kapolei area, we figured we might as well use our time there and go spend a few hours near Ko Olina lagoons. Although it was a weekday, I still expected there to be a good number of people - visitors, locals, residents, vacationers... However, the beach was nearly empty. More for us, I guess. 


DAY 189

Low tide can reveal some crazy creatures! While wading in some beach water just ankle-deep, we almost stepped on this sea urchin. Thankfully, I noticed it in time to stop my kids from accidentally hurting themselves and the animal. Urchin's needles are razor sharp and can be venomous. After having a good look at it, we moved it to some deeper waters for everybody's safety.



DAY 190

Speaking of creatures, as common as wild pigs are here in Hawaii, I had never got to see one until now. We went for a wooded walk in Aiea, and as we were sitting down on a rock eating snacks, a piggy walked out of the bushes. Totally ignoring any people, she kept walking around looking for food. Wild pigs can be a nuisance in Hawaii, destroying crops and being totally fearless of people. And that it was - as my husband tried to scare it away from us, the pig was totally unphased and tried to get to the snacks our boys were eating. Eventually we just had to get up and leave because the pig was going nowhere!


DAY 191

What a prime real estate! This looked so picture-perfect, I made my husband stop along the side of the road to get this photo. However, you do not have to own a house on the water to truly enjoy Hawaii. ALL beaches in Hawaii are public and there is no such thing as private beach or resort-only beach. So, if you see a spot you like - jump in and go for a swim (safety first, of course)! 


DAY 192

As we were up for neither hiking nor beach today, we decided to visit one of the more touristy sites on the island - the Pearl Harbor National Memorial. Specifically, we were interested in seeing the USS Bowfin submarine which had recently opened up for tours again. I had never been in a real submarine before, so it was definitely very interesting and educational. Boys, of course, loved checking out all the buttons, knobs and wheels throughout the rooms - if they moved, even better! There is also a nice kids playground, various smaller exhibits and a gift shop nearby. 


DAY 193

As I was taking a casual walk along the bay this afternoon, with my boys riding their bikes back and forth on the path, I just stopped and paused for a minute. The sun was shining bright, I could hear the waves crashing on the rocks, the wind in the trees and birds chirping... It was so peaceful and relaxing. And despite all the daily stress and struggles that we all have, it made me think how beautiful life is after all. I guess it's little heartwarming moments like these that make us reflect and be thankful for the gift of life that we have been given. Life definitely is beautiful! 


DAY 194

Although the family pool at Hickam AFB has been open since September, we just always ended up choosing the beach instead. So, today I decided we will finally go and check out the swimming pool. As excited as the boys were, they crawled out of the pool after 30mins with heir teeth chattering and announced that they are not going back in because it was too cold. I guess that explains why we were the only people at the pool. Oh well, we will try another day - a sunnier and less windy one. 


DAY 195

Sometimes the beauty of Hawaii is not just in front of you but also - up. When walking through a city park today, I lifted my eyes up and noticed this very interesting and odd-looking tree with just one big set of leaves at the end of each branch. I think this is a type of Hawaiian hala tree thought to be indigenous to Hawaii. It can currently be found in all of the Hawaiian islands and the rest of Polynesia, as well as Micronesia, Melanesia and northern Australia.  


DAY 196

Today is Christmas Eve which we usually celebrate by Latvian traditions. If Santa Claus in the USA comes Christmas morning, then in Latvia he arrives and leaves gifts on Christmas Eve and it is also the night when we open gifts, cook and eat family Christmas dinner and watch Christmas movies. Although it was very difficult to get into Christmas spirit here when it is 80 degrees outside and screeching parrots sit in our mango trees, we tried our best to make it magical for our boys. P.S. They are still waiting for snow to fall, lol! Merry Christmas everyone, near or far!


DAY 197

Having completed all our Christmas festivities the night before, we were looking for some fun things to do this Christmas Day. And what better activity there is in Hawaii than beach?! We grabbed our boogie boards and sand toys for the kids and headed to our favorite beach - Bellows. It was pretty empty; I guess everyone is still busy opening their Christmas presents!



DAY 198

The weather turned crazy today - the trade winds and rain was so bad that it was literally raining sideways. With nothing else to do and rain and wind not stopping, my husband came up with the idea to pass time by driving around the island and watching crashing waves along the coast. So we did! The ocean looked so dark and hostile today - ready to swallow anyone in its way. 


DAY 199

Our favorite coffee on the island is Island Vintage Coffee, and specifically their Island Latte (which is macadamia nut / coconut flavored latte). It is so good that occasionally when we have the craving for it, we will go out of our way to drive to one of their only 4 locations on the island to get it. This was the case today - we set our minds to some Island Latte and headed to Haleiwa for it. Of course, when doing so, we also took the opportunity to walk around town - we love Haleiwa and its relaxed ''surfer vibe''. 


DAY 200

Although I usually only talk about all the beautiful and fun things in Hawaii, unfortunately, it also has its ugly side. One of the biggest problems that nobody likes to address and talk about - the issue of homeless and homelessness in Hawaii. People actually live here in type of tent-cities on beaches, in parks and along roadsides. We saw this tent encampment along Waimanalo Beach, but I have also seen them elsewhere on Oahu. They are permanent settlements with permanent ''residents''. Illegal, yes, but the state has no means to move them so they leave them be. 


DAY 201

When going on hikes, walks in the park, or even hanging on a beach, we often spot these fun little critters - mongoose. They are super quick, smart and usually we only get a little glimpse of them before they disappear in the bush. Apart from many other invasive species that run rampant in Hawaii, mongooses were actually deliberately introduced to Hawaii by sugar cane farmers in 1883 in order to control rat populations. Unfortunately, the plan turned out to be a colossal bust because rats are nocturnal while mongooses are diurnal so the hunter and the pray never exchanged paths. 


DAY 202

Although we have been to Diamond Head lookout several times before, we were very excited when it finally opened up again last week (it had been closed for the past 8 months - since the start of the pandemic in March). It is a short 1.6-mile round-trip hike 560ft up a crater rim to an amazing scenery overlooking Honolulu and Waikiki. Unfortunately, the place was extremely crowded, starting with no parking to the congested trail and lookout. I think we will let the crowds thin before we attempt to go here again. Nonetheless, I still think this is a must-do item on anyone's list when visiting Oahu!


DAY 203

Happy New Year! There is no denying that 2020 has been a year like no other. And although we have been very lucky to have kept our jobs, income, health and even got to travel quite a bit, many others have not been so fortunate. So, we will raise our Hawaiian drink to a healthy, wealthy and normal 2021. Who knew that wishing for just 'normal' would be the hope for so many! 



DAY 204

We started the New Year by heading out on another hike - the 5.2-mile long Kaunala trail on the North Shore. It was a fairly long and muddy hike with almost 1200ft elevation gain but the boys did awesome. Even our 3-year old completed it all on his own! These boys never stop to amaze me! Although there weren't any impressive lookouts, it was a pretty rainforest scenery with eucalyptus trees and several stream crossings. And for whatever reason, the eucalyptus grove really reminded me of Australia. I can't wait to finally be able to travel there! 


DAY 205

One of the gifts I gave my husband for Christmas was a surfboard. It was time to try it out! Along with some co-workers the guys chose to go to White Plains Beach at 6AM (to beat the later surfer crowds). I decided to tag along because I had not yet been to this beach before and wanted to see it and, secondly, I wanted to have a good laugh at my husband's surfing attempts. :-) Unfortunately, due to high tide the waves weren't strong enough for good surfing, however, I got to witness a beautiful sunrise instead! 


DAY 206

When crawling under a low-cut tree in our backyard this afternoon to retrieve their lost ball, the boys noticed some fruit and came to me asking about it. As I went to look, I realized they were star fruit and I had no idea we had them growing in our yard! The fruit were well hidden under thick leaf canopy so we had never noticed them before. The fruit is called star fruit because it looks exactly like a little star when it's cut. We tried them and they have a crisp, refreshing yet slightly sweet taste (like Granny Smith green apples) but they are yellow in color when ripe. And speaking of fruit - our neighbors often leave their pomelos (Chinese grapefruit) by our fence for us to enjoy, so now we will be able to treat them with our star fruit in return! 


DAY 207

The combination of strong winds and currents created a perfect storm for high surf advisory for all of the north and west facing Oahu beaches for several days, with waves up to 25ft high. All the beaches were roped off and no swimming was allowed; however, people gathered with their beach chairs and blankets just to sit and watch the high surf. It was definitely impressive! 


DAY 208

We went back to our favorite fish and bird feeding spot on Hickam AFB. Apparently, as we discovered, the birds here are so brave they will eat bread right out of your hand! The boys had a blast (and I did too a little)! 


DAY 209

After being closed due to Covid for months, Hawaii's Plantation Village finally re-opened again. I have been interested in seeing this place since moving to Hawaii as it is an important part of Hawaiian history. The village has a collection of plantation buildings with furnishings reflecting each major ethnic immigrant group (Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Puerto Rican etc.) that worked Hawaiian sugarcane fields back in late 1850's to early 1900's. Unbeknownst to me, the only way to see the village was by having a guide (no free-roaming due to Covid). Besides me and the boys there was just 1 other couple, so we pretty much had a private tour. Although it was almost 2hrs long, it was very interesting and we got a great insight into plantation life here in Hawaii with many ''insider facts'' about daily struggles and hardships. So, when visiting the Plantation Village, I would definitely suggest joining a tour (they are free and included in the admission price).  


DAY 210

It has been a while since we took our paddle boards for a spin, so we were long overdue. It was a perfect day on Hickam Beach with no waves and we could paddle out almost all the way to the reef-break. I hoped to see some turtles but no luck today. Did see several jellyfish though. The boys don't bother with paddling - the board is a perfect place for them to lay out and rest while parents do all the work! :-D 


DAY 211

Every time we pass this crazy-looking house, we try to figure out what the purpose of it all is. Is it so some form of contemporary art? Is it a statement of sorts? Or are they just really messy people? I guess we will be left wondering unless we ring that doorbell and go ask... 


DAY 212

Even though it is only mid-January, it feels like spring is in the air here on Oahu! I have noticed more and more colorful flowers and blossoms starting to pop up all around the island. Also, several fruit trees have bloomed and even have little fruit buds starting to grow (like mango and papaya). Oh, how I love January like this! So much better than shoveling snow off our cars and falling on our butts while slipping on ice when walking across a parking lot. Nope, not at all missing winter right now!


DAY 213

Although not an activity I engage in, cliff-jumping is a popular pastime here for all the crazy young people. Despite the fact that we did some cliff-jumping into cenotes and mountain springs when visiting Jamaica, it is not something I want to do in the ocean - there are always hidden dangers. Nonetheless, the most popular cliff-jumping spot on Oahu is at Waimea Bay Beach, which is also where this picture is taken. This particular cliff is about 70 feet high, but it is possible to climb to some lower ledges of it if jumping from the top is too much for some. It is important to time the jump right with the wave activity to avoid hitting the ocean bottom and getting hurt! 


DAY 214

What an awesome hike to add to our list! This is the top of the ridge overlook and end of Kuliouou Ridge trail. It is the highest elevation we have hiked so far, with the overlook standing at 1625 feet. It is a 4-mile long out and back trail with many switchbacks at the start and a strenuous, steep final climb to the top. It was definitely quite a technical climb for our boys but, oh man, were they troopers - not a single peep from them and they both got to the top all by themselves. Even other hikers praised them for their accomplishment and were surprised to see that a 3 and a 5-year old could do so well. Definitely a proud mommy here! 


DAY 215

Just passing by Waimanalo Beach - the water on this side of the island always has that perfect tropical turquoise tint.  


DAY 216

Today was an especially ''productive'' day at our Dog Beach! We stumbled upon so many water creatures during low tide - a dark purple collector urchin whom we have seen here before already; a red sea urchin (have seen them when snorkeling), and this really odd-looking worm with 15 moving tentacles for mouth! We researched it and its scientific name is synapta maculata or snake sea cucumber! They can grow as long as 10 feet (3 meters) and is the longest sea cucumber in the world! We did not like it; it was scary! 


DAY 217

A sunny Hawaiian day spent on a beach! What a privilege to be living here!


Day 218

Noticed this fun little surfing-bus parked near Waikiki beach. A little retro, a little hip, but definitely eye-catching. And plenty of room for many surfboards on the roof! 


DAY 219

All shades of Hawaiian blue!


DAY 220

Although we enjoy our beautiful sunsets every night that we are home, tonight was one of those special nights again where the setting sun and storm clouds were painting an especially spectacular scenery!


DAY 221

Our plan for the day was to go on Likeke Falls hike; however, once we reached the trailhead, we were told the trail was closed due to filming of a TV show Magnum PI . A little upsetting but there will be another weekend for this hike, so we decided to just cruise the Windward coast of Oahu. As we were passing the Kahana Bay, the sun was illuminating the water revealing its beautiful colors. And with the mountain backdrop not obstructed in cloud cover it made for such a beautiful sight that I just had to stop and take a photo of it.


DAY 222

One of the North Shore eateries - school bus converted into a food truck. It was very fun - chickens and cats roaming around and tables hidden in between tropical greenery. Of course, my boys tried to feed the cats their rice which the cats, naturally, totally rejected. But it was definitely a cool little lunch spot.


DAY 223

What an exciting day - to go see the largest swell Oahu has seen in the past several years. Just a few weeks ago we went to see the North Shore swell of 25 feet and thought it was big. Just behold - this one was predicted to get up to 50 and 60 feet high. Yes, we had to go see it... and so did all of the other island residents! The traffic along the North Shore was a mess as everyone wanted to see the big waves. I thought these 2 guys were crazy to actually walk on the beach as waves were several times their size! They were definitely far behind the safety line lifeguards had posted.


DAY 224

Although we have driven this ocean-side road near Punaluu many, many times before, I had never noticed this leaning palm tree. There is always so much beauty to look at that it is impossible to notice every detail, therefore, there is always something new we see no matter how many times we have visited the place before. 



DAY 225

A few nights ago, in one of the Hawaiian blogs I found information about Honolulu's Kaka'ako district and all the POW!WOW! murals that can be found here. POW!WOW! is an annual international festival that brings together hundreds of international and local artists, and one part of the activities is creating these beautiful murals. So, we headed to Kaka'ako to see them. They were truly impressive works of art and kids had a great time exploring the district and finding them.



DAY 226

Had a short visit to Honolulu Chinatown market this morning. It is almost like a little world of its own and always reminds me of our trip to Malaysia and Singapore a few years back. There are things in Chinatown market you won't find anywhere else on the island, including all sorts of crazy fruits and vegetables. Our boys are always looking forward to these visits as they get some of their favorite fruits here - dragon fruit, rambutans and longans. It is, however, important to note that Honolulu Chinatown is the most criminal neighborhood on the island where no one should go walking after dark. During market hours a very heavy police presence can be seen to keep peace, but once market closes and shoppers / law enforcement leave, it turns into one of the most run down, sad places on the island full of drug users, prostitutes and lowlifes of the society.


DAY 227

So far we have seen all of the major Pearl Harbor historic sites except one - the Battleship Missouri. So, we decided it was time to correct it and go see this historic ship. It is remembered as the site of surrender of the Empire of Japan, which ended World War II. It is definitely an awesome experience as we got to see upper decks with all the guns, the control room and Captain's quarters as well as get down below and see the interior - the kitchen, sleeping quarters, various offices and tons of other rooms. Kids had as much fun as adults. This was probably my favorite attraction of all 4 Pearl Harbor historic sites, the other 3 being Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, USS Bowfin Submarine, and USS Arizona Memorial.


 DAY 228

Today was the day we made our second attempt at hiking the Likeke Falls trail (which was closed last week due to movie filming). No setbacks this time around and we made the short, muddy 1-mile long trail with no problems. It's a very easy trail and when at the falls, the boys enjoyed wading in the pool below. 


DAY 229

I had no idea there are chameleons in Hawaii, but - here it is! There are no native terrestrial reptiles here, so these chameleons are considered to be an invasive species and pests to the islands (along with Gold dust geckos). It is called Jackson's Chameleon or also Three-horned Chameleon and it is native to East Africa. They got introduced to Oahu in 1972 and got intentionally (and illegally) released in Kaneohe area where they established a permanent, wild population. These chameleons grow 10-12'' long and males have 3 horns. We were amazed to have caught a glimpse of one of these amazing camouflaged creatures in the wild!


DAY 230

Feeding fish at the pier on Hickam AFB is one of our boys' favorite activities - just sitting on the shore and throwing in a few handfuls of bread or fish food will bring them out right away. We have seen needlefish, tangs, moorish idols, eels, and many others along with crabs, sea cucumbers, urchins and even an octopus. A wild tropical aquarium, indeed!  



DAY 231

A few weeks ago I saw a photo online of an amazing but rare tree that grows in Hawaii and was determined to find it. The tree is called rainbow eucalyptus and it gets its name from the colorful trunk it displays when shedding. After some research, I found out that there are only 2 places on Oahu where this tree can be seen - Wahiawa Botanical Garden and the parking lot of Dole Plantation. So, we headed out in search of it. And indeed, as we entered the Dole plantation, these magical trees were lining the entrance! During our visit the trees were mostly lime green and orange, but depending on the stage of shedding, they can also get tints of red, blue and purple. Every time we pass this place from now on, I will make sure to glance at these trees and their rainbow colors!


DAY 232

Speaking of rainbows, we have had a long stretch of rainy days here during the past 2 weeks (rainy season in Hawaii right now). With that, we have been able to enjoy a bright Hawaii rainbow display from our lanai almost every morning and afternoon. I saw this particular rainbow the first thing in the morning as I woke up and glanced out the window. Talk about the start of a day! 


DAY 233

Seeing Hawaiian green sea turtles on a beach is always an exciting moment for us no matter how often or how many turtles we have encountered already. Each one of these sea creatures is just so special and a real gift to see in the wild! And as we were taking a leisurely walk along a remote and quiet beach on the North Shore, we stumbled upon this magnificent animal taking a nap in the soft sand. And we can never pass a turtle without snapping a photo! A minimum distance of 10 feet (3m) must be maintained. Penalties for touching, harassing or even killing an endangered green sea turtle in Hawaii can be up to $25,000. Plenty of ignorant tourists have racked up $1500 fines for touching these animals either on the beach or while snorkeling. 


DAY 234

As I have mentioned before, one of our favorite coffee shops on the island has been Island Vintage Coffee; however, I decided it was finally time to broaden our horizons. Each time when heading towards Haleiwa, we have passed Green World Coffee Farm countless times. And every time I have looked at it as a place to eventually explore. Today was the day, and we made the stop. I was actually surprised how cool the place was - apart from coffee, they actually had a huge shop with various local items for sale (soaps, oils, spices, chocolate, souvenirs...). There was a book corner for kids while adults enjoyed their cups of coffee. Free coffee and tea samples were offered. And they sold local baked goods to go with your cup of coffee - lilikoi bars, coconut macaroons etc. And their garden all around is full of coffee bean trees. A great experience and a place to take a walk and see growing coffee beans. This will definitely be a site on my list to take our visitors to.



DAY 235

It was time to stretch our legs and head out on another hike. This one was an easy 2-mile track along the coast to see a huge banyan tree, hence the trail name - Banyan Tree Route. As hard as it might be to imagine, this maze of aerial roots, trunks and branches is actually just 1 tree! This enormous tree is so impressive that it has been used for scenes in such movies as ''Pirates of the Caribbean'' and ''Lost''. Definitely a trail worth taking to see it.


DAY 236

Kids don't need much to have fun. A tree and a rope we came upon by chance will be plenty enough for endless entertainment!


DAY 237

The ocean washes out not only garbage but plenty of beautiful things as well. This was a big (and extremely heavy) piece of coral I noticed half-way buried in the beach sand. I have seen plenty of broken small pieces of it on many beaches before, but this one was so big I could barely lift it. In the end, I did manage to return it back to the sea! 


DAY 238 

How about a hen laying her egg in a macadamia nut box? A sight you will see only in Hawaii, I suspect! We stopped at North Shore Macadamia Nut Company to buy some local treats and were introduced to this mac-nut loving chicken! :)


DAY 239

I have eyed this popular Hawaiian treat since the day we moved to the islands. Almost 8 months later, and I decided it was finally time to try the Acai Bowl! It is a sorbet-textured blend of a mixture of fruits and juices. I aimed for the Acai Bowl at Island Vintage Coffee and it was truly delicious. The purple base consists of organic acai, tropical fruits, banana, cold-pressed apple juice and almond milk mix layered with organic granola. The toppings are strawberries, blueberries, local bananas and Big Island organic honey with more granola. It is actually a very cold treat, perfect for those sunny Hawaiian days!


DAY 240

Our Waikiki walk got rained out. The moment we get hope for some sun, another storm front is approaching the islands... But rain is needed for Hawaii to stay lush, tropical and green, especially since last summer experienced almost drought conditions. And we still have a ways to go as rainy season in Hawaii lasts from November till about March. A peculiar fact about rain in Hawaii though is that it can be a complete downpour in one part of the island and a 20-minute drive away in another direction it could be blue skies and sunny! I would have never believed it had I not seen this myself over and over again. As we live on a mountain we get a lot of rain. Occasionally, I will jump in a car in my flooded driveway and drive 5min down the hill to a store and there is no sign of rain whatsoever... 


Continuation of our journey:

365 DAYS OF HAWAII (DAYS 241 - 300)

365 DAYS OF HAWAII (DAYS 301 - 365)


More photos of Hawaii (including from our previous trips) can be seen in the following galleries:

Hiking in Hawaii

Snorkeling in Hawaii

Kauai, Hawaii

Waikiki & Honolulu

Oahu beaches

Maui, Hawaii

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Wonders of the Big Island, Hawaii

Black Sand Beaches, Big Island Hawaii


My travel reviews of our previous Hawaii vacations can be read in these travel stories:

Best Family Friendly Hikes on Oahu for Toddlers and Young Kids

Our COVID Vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii

Hawaii (Oahu) with 2 Toddlers in Tow

Kauai - the Grand Canyon of the Pacific

Havaju salas - Aloha Oahu!

Havaju salas - Aloha Maui!